2009 Dossier: Planet X
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“Secret documents from the private life of the planets”
short stories
Skopje, Templum
173 p.
ilustr., 21 cm
ISBN 9789989189630
Books from the AstroGnome edition are not scientific documents, their idea is not to be exact, nor they contain physical formulas. Rather, the idea is to play between fact and fiction to create something that is called “faction” or, as the author prefers, educational prose.
The topic of the first three books is the macroworld and the astronomy, while the fourth book is dealing with the microworld.
The author semantizes and breaks all the meanings, all the phrases and all the elements of narration, then resemanticizes them. In that process, he constantly mixes disparate concepts. Mostly in the field of popular culture and modern communications, but in that playfulness, there are many intellectualisms, in his own way style.
Robert Alagjozovski