2013 Umbrella Without a Hand To Carry It
Short stories
Skopje, Goten
64 p.
ilustr., 17 cm
ISBN 9786084625278
In this fiction you will find a vivisection of every-day’s frenetic electronic life, which pushes people in the virtual world, failing to experience the trip into their own world, from which they can come up with a handful of creative ideas.
The book felt like a “drop” from the universal mind, which floats freely and takes all forms and shapes and wittily looks through different prisms: corporal, intellectual, psychological, social, physical and metaphysical, relativistic etc., but however, the essence remains the same – unchanged and eternal quest for the truth about life and interpersonal relations.
On the one hand it reflects the free fall of the civilization in this moment, that rushes irretrievable into immeasurably deep abyss of existential vacuum, to which Viktor Frankl was referring to. And from there comes the emptiness of our lives – par exellence!
But on the other hand these golden letters written by the dust of realism remind us of the words of Rabindranath Tagore: “Fate didn’t rob us completely!”
Dr. Maria Arsovska